Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome..... ME!

Hey Flamex members,

If you havent heard, I am apart of Flamex now, you're newest (I think) addition. Again, thanks Dark, and I cant talk on the chatbox for some reason. It's annoying.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

This... is where it begins...

I am Wildfire Fields, I was emo, but now I'm not... look I've changed from what I was before... so everyone from my old school, I moved away becuase I wanted a fresh start... And to my dismay my secret got out of hand....

Alright, look, I am not like your normal best friend or whatever, I am an elemental, of Fire and Shade... I am not the most powerful with my Shade technique, but I am getting better with it. So basically what I'm saying is that I have insane freaky powers, call me a mutant and you'll regret it... call me freak and you'll get hurt... call me a devil from hell's deepest fires... and you'll wish you were never born...

In case you are wondering, I have no family... Just me and my best friend Dagon, we used to know a kid named Fexxus, but to our dismay he has turned to the evil side. To bad so sad... not... My main goal right now in life is to get him dead... with Dagon's help and can do some things... with an army.... I am invincible....

This.. is the beginning of a new era...

Wildire Fields